On most Thursday mornings, there is a Strollers Walk to which all are welcome.
Walks are all within Fife and range from 4 to 7 miles.
Walks are graded C to C+ and range from 2.5 to 3.5 hours.
On longer walks an alternative short cut will be suggested - where possible.
Car sharing is encouraged, and people leaving from Glenrothes depart from the car park behind St Columba’s Church at 9.30am. (KY6 1BN) See map below.
People travelling to the start point without going to the central meeting point will need to factor in the 9.30 departure from the car park at St Columba’s.
Walk start points are also posted weekly on the Glenrothes Ramblers Facebook page.
For further details, please contact,
Joan Howell or Brian Conway.
Please text Joan on 07802 433468 or Brian on 07980 652339